The Walk Above the Vineyards

Architect: Keeo4design

Location: Kobylí, Czech Republic

Year: 2018


The sidewalk is located above a vineyard on a hill in the highest part of the village of Kobylí in the Czech Republic. The start of the project was due to the presence of this hill and with the presence of a 334-degree rotating geometry, a walk has been created that will overlook the whole area.

presents the natural circle of life and is a symbolic reference to the growth of Kobylí. From the top of this walking project, people can see the Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape.

Along with their way up, people can find the typical plates with arrows pointing towards important landmarks in the area, but in this case, the plates also contain information about both future and historical events taking place in the village.

Cite: “The Walk Above the Vineyards / Keeo4design” 19 Nov 2018. ArchDaily. Accessed 10 Dec 2021. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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